Photographers are not obliged to help

Photog in NYC subway death responds to ethical criticisms and I (@wiltonwoods) thoroughly support him.  Citizens are NOT obliged to help each other.  Every death COULD be prevented, but eventually we all kick the bucket.  Somebody's turn right next to me?  Time's up. I'm not going to interfere.  I don't HAVE to help, and I may not have the medical training or superhero skill, plus I could get sued, hurt or killed if I get involved.  I tend to base my decisions on affiliation.  If I photograph a social conflict, like, say, my favorite (living) photojournalist Stanly Green (NOOR Images), then I know probably which side I'm on and who to help out.  If I photograph somebody being wreckless or ruthless and the die in the process, well my pictures will hopefully show other folks how to bone up and fly straight to reduce harm.


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